Gold Fender Pickguard, with Anodized brushed finish

I had a vision for this electric guitar before I built it, long before any gold Fender pickguard. Actually I had several visions cause I thought about it after eight hearty rum and cokes. I wanted a guitar that was unique, yet offered some accents from one of my favorite artists, Stevie Ray Vaughan. So I went with this blue body, so that it would be unique, somewhat, and outfitted it with a 70's era stratocaster neck, and gold bridge, tuners, the whole nine yards, everything's gold.

One of the dilemmas I encountered was what to use for the electric guitar pickguard. I started with a black, three ply number, but thought the whole theme was too dark. Then I bought a really expensive glossy gold number, that looked fantastic on the guitar. The only problem was I couldn't touch it. As soon as I laid a finger on it, it was smudged, and it didn't take long for the thing to look like a CSI crime scene finger print sample.

I went back online to my favorite store, ebay, and picked up this eight hole,genuine fender, 57 vintage, brushed gold anodized guitar pickguard. I didn't know if it would do the trick or not, it looked a little darker in the picture. When I got the thing it was a sure match. It hides all finger marks perfectly, and actually helps my play a little by keeping my guide pick fingers from slipping. At 29.99 plus a few bucks to ship it's a great deal. If your doing a shielding project, your half way home with this thing. If your not afraid of drilling a few holes, and want to flash up your strat a bit, I recommend this genuine Fender gold guitar pickguard. Remember, everything goes with gold, oh and don't forget to buy some gold Fender pickguard screws. Thanks for reading J. Brennan

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