Fender N3 Pickups

In 2010, Fender N3 pickups replaced the SCN model which are now discontinued, I've received a few questions about this. Since I own a few sets of SCN's, and reviewed them on this site, here's what I know. First Jim C. writes:

I'm looking for some Strat replacement pickups, and I thought I'd try out the SCN pickups. However, I can't find them anywhere. They appear to be discontinued. Discontinued products are usually discontinued for a reason... arnet they? Can you help out with an explanation on why Fender discontinued this line of pickups? I wouldn't want to find a set somewhere and then run into problems... Thanks!

The SCN pickups have been discontinued, but are still quite available as of this writing on ebay. There were no problems with the SCN pickups as far as reliability or function. My understanding is that Fender was not getting satisfactory reviews on these, and since they were being installed in the American Deluxe Strats, Fender's pricier models, they decided to replace and discontinue them. From what I've read, people wanted a more vintage strat sound, along with a noiseless pickup. The SCN's are a noiseless, high output design, that I personally like a lot. here is a review I did some time ago, Fender SCN Pickups .

I'm going to blindly assume that the N3 pickups are a humbucker design, with a lower output that provides a more vintage tone. This in no way means the SCN's are bad, they are simply different. I wouldn't hesitate putting them in another guitar. I hope this helps, J.B. 3-25-11

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